Local Houston Resources
/in Resources /by adminMidwives and Birth Centers
North Houston Women’s Health Care
– (Kathleen Vande Giessen, CNM,MSN,MBA)Providing well women health care throughout your life cycle ( 713) 742-6070Bay Area Birth Center – (Jacquelyn Griggs RN,CNM) Specialists in Natural Birth, Breastfeeding, and Women’s Health (713) 472-5525
The Birthing Place – (Afua Hassan) 713.MID.WIFE
Nativiti Women’s Health & Birth Center – Offers safe and satisfying care in a warm, comfortable, home-like environment ( 281) 296-2333
Women’s Health & Birth Care – Empowering women and families to take responsibility for their extraordinary experience (713) 529-5131
Women’s Specialist of Houston – Celebrating nine years of providing Midwifery care to the women of Houston (713) 797-1144
Carol Schumacher, CPM, LM – A CPM with 8 years experience offering complete maternity care and birth services at home or birth center (713) 728-3439
Janet Little, CNM (281) 319-4623
Christine Messarra, CPM, LM – Catching babies since 1997, complete maternity care and specializing in home birth (832) 385-6500
Baby Bistro at Bella Luna Boutique – Breastfeeding support and supplies, located inside Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women. 832-826-8000
Houston Baby Wearers: houstonbabywearers.org
Free meetings across Houston at which locals share the love of using
cloth baby carriers and slings. Support and information also shared
online via Facebook groups.
Angelique Geehan
Private consultations and classes for birth-related professionals and
caregivers (parents, childcare workers, relatives) on a wide range of
topics related to babywearing, baby carriers, and cloth slings,
including safety, techniques, comfort, selection, and breastfeeding
and nursing. 713 899 0655. Free meeting (as part of Houston Baby
Wearers) the second Saturday each month at the Montrose Freed
Neighborhood Library, 10 a.m. to noon. slingmeet@gmail.com
AAHCC (Bradley) Certified Childbirth Educator
Pearland, 77584
us@aarondawn.com • www.bradleybirth.com
Childbirth Educator ICEA
Spring, 77379
doulamom@comcast.net , www.doula.org
Birth Works Certified Childbirth Educator
Katy, 77449
Jamie Marancenbaum, MPH. 469-417-9661
South Houston Doula Cooperative 281-560-3101
Monthly Community Classes including Preparing a Birth Plan, Relaxation and Exercise, Breastfeeding, and Cloth Diapering
Shannon Stellhorn, CLD, CBE 832-622-8885
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Childbirth Classes
Cole Deelah, CLD, CBE 281-560-3101
Fear to Freedom Childbirth Classes
Work of Heart Childbirth preparation classes
Weekend of Relaxation Childbirth Classes
Katherine Stanglin, CLD, CHCBE 832-360-6014
Hypnobabies Childbirth Classes
Books and Links
/in Resources /by admin“Having a Baby, Naturally” by Peggy O’Mara
“The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” by Henci Goer
“Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities” by Henci Goer
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth” by Ina May Gaskin
“Gentle Birth Choices” by Barbara Harper
“The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth” by Sheila Kitzenger
“Your Baby, Your Way” by Sheila Kitzenger
“Active Birth” by Janet Balaskas
“The Birth Book” by Dr. Willliam Sears and Martha Sears
“Birthing From Within” by Pamela England
“Birth Reborn” by Michel Odent
“Silent Knife” by Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois J. Estner
“A Good Birth, A Safe Birth” by Diana Korte and Roberta Scaer
Creating Your Birth Plan: The Definitive Guide to a Safe and Empowering Birth, by Marsden Wagner with Stephanie Gunning
The Doula Book: How a Trained Labor Companion Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healtheir Birth, by Marshall H., Klaus, et al
Giving Birth, Challenges & Choices, by Suzanne Arms
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, by Sarah J Buckley
Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth, by Peggy O’Mara
Healthy Mother, Healthy Child, by Elizabeth Irvine
Hey, Who’s Having this Baby, by Breck Hawk
Immaculate Deception II–A Fresh Look at Childbirth, by Suzanne Arms
The Official Lamaze Guide: Giving Birth with Confidence by Judith Lothian and Charlotte DeVries
The Pregnancy Book: Month-by-Month, Everything You Need to Know From America’s Baby Experts, by William Sears and Martha Sears
Rediscovering Birth, Sheila Kitzinger
Sit Up and Take Notice! Positioning Yourself for a Better Birth, by Pauline Scott
Special Delivery: The Complete Guide to Informed Birth, by Rahima Baldwin
“The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby frm Birth to Age Two” by William and Martha Sears
“Natural Family Living: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Parenting” by Peggy O’Mara
Ended Beginnings: Healing Childbearing Losses by Claudia Panuthos and Catherine Romeo
Journey Into Motherhood, by Menelli
The Motherhood Manifesto, by Blades & Rowe-Finkbeiner
What Babies Want, DVD/video, Takikawa
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, by Christiane Northrup
/in Resources /by adminVaccination News – Sandy Mintz runs this website. She presents some of the controversy concerning vaccines.
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute – Uncensored information about vaccines and how they affect our children.
Vaccine Website – Read the package inserts that come with the vaccines
National Vaccine Information Center – NVIC is a national, non-profit educational organization founded in 1982. It is the oldest and largest national organization advocating reformation of the mass vaccination system.
/in Resources /by adminThe Case Against Circumcision
The Common and Not-So-Common Complications of Routine Infant Circumcision
The Origin of Non-Religious Circumcision
/in Resources /by adminHenci Goer specializes in birth issues
V-Bac Rates for Texas Hospitals
Cesarean Section Rates for Houston Area Hospitals
Christus St. Catherine
Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
Cypress Fairbanks Hospital
Houston Northwest Medical Center
Kingwood Medical Center
Memorial Hermann Medical Center
Memorial Hermann Memorial City
Memorial Hermann South East
Memorial Hermann South West
Methodist Willowbrook
St. Luke’s Medical Center
Texas Women’s
The Methodist – Medical Center
Tomball Regional
Memorial Hermann Fort Bend Hospital
Memorial Hermann Katy
Methodist Sugar Land Hospital
St. Luke’s Sugar Land
West Houston Medical Center
Conroe Regional Medical Center
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands
Book Recommendations
for your care
Water Birth
/in Resources /by adminBreastfeeding
/in Resources /by adminLa Leche League – Founded in 1956 by seven women who had learned about successful breastfeeding while nursing their own babies, La Leche League is the only organization with the sole purpose of helping breastfeeding mother
Mothers Milk Bank at Austin – Resource for donor breastmilk
Houston Area Lacation Consultants and Educators Association – Resources for locating a Lactation consultant in the Houston area.
Breastfeeding Guide for African American Women
The Breastfeeding Book: Everthing You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child Frm Birth Through Weaning – William Sears, Martha Sears
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding: Seventh revised Edition – La Leche League International
/in Resources /by admin- Recognizes birth as a key life experience that the mother will remember all her life
- Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor
- Assists the woman and her partner in preparing for and carrying out their plans for the birth
- Stays by the side of the laboring woman throughout the entire labor
- Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures, an objective viewpoint and assistance to the woman in getting the information she needs to make good decisions
- Facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner and clinical careproviders
- Perceives her role as one who nutures and protects the woman’s memory of her birth experience.
- The acceptance of doulas in maternity care is growing rapidly with the recognition of their important contribution to the improved physical outcomes and emotional well-being of mothers and infants
/in Resources /by adminWhat is a Midwife?
Since the beginning of human history, women have helped other women in the transition to motherhood. Midwives are the primary health care providers in most countries where birth is an integral part of family life.
Countries with the highest rate of midwifery care today – emphasizing competent prenatal care, education, and empowerment for the woman giving birth – also have the best outcomes for mothers and babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in 1990 that birth was actually safer for mothers and babies when utilizing midwifer for pregnancy and childbirth.
Midwifery is based on a strong belief in partnership with childbearing women and respect for birth as a normal life event. Midwives strive to empower parents with knowledge and support their right to create the birth experience which is best for them.
Midwives respect intimacy, privacy, and family integrity, and draw on their own patience and understanding to provide care during pregnancy and birth.
Midwives Today
The modern midwife is a health professional who provides holistic heath care to the childbearing woman and newborn. She respects a wide range of women’s need including personal and cultural values. Focusing on the natural processes of pregnancy, labor, and birth, she combines traditional skills and modern medical techiques to safeguard normal childbirth. The midwife maintains associations with physicians and other health care providers to ensure that mother and child have the best knowledge and technology available.
Midwives are the most time-honored and common primary caregivers for healthy women during their pregnancies and births in most countries throughout the world.